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US Media: Security increased for Trump due to Iranian murder plot

According to US media reports, enhanced security measures for former President Donald Trump have been in place for weeks due to alleged Iranian assassination plot claims. CNN and other media reported on Tuesday that there is no connection between the incident where Trump, 78, was lightly...

A Secret Service officer stands behind Trump at the party conference
A Secret Service officer stands behind Trump at the party conference

US Media: Security increased for Trump due to Iranian murder plot

According to CNN, US law enforcement received tips from a "human source" about an Iranian plan to assassinate Trump. In response, the agency responsible for the security of current and former US presidents, the Secret Service, increased its protective measures for the Republican.

The US National Security Council stated that it had been following Iranian threats against the previous Trump administration for years. Tehran sought revenge for the US's killing of the former commander of the Al-Quds Brigades, Qassem Soleimani, in a drone strike in Iraq in 2020. The strike was ordered by then-President Trump.

The US government considered these Iranian revenge plans a matter of "highest priority," according to Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the National Security Council at the White House. However, the investigations into the shooting incident that occurred on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, had not uncovered any connections between the shooter and "any accomplice or conspirator, whether domestic or foreign," Watson added.

The Secret Service made only general comments regarding the reports of an alleged Iranian threat against Trump. US law enforcement receives constant new information about potential new threats, a spokesperson noted. Measures would be taken to adjust resources as needed.

The Iranian mission to the UN dismissed the reports as "fabricated and malicious." Nasser Kanani, spokesperson for Iran's Foreign Ministry, declared that Iran "vehemently denies any involvement in the recent armed attack on Trump" - even though the US allegations suggest that the Saturday attack had no connection to the reported Iranian plot.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson also emphasized that Tehran would continue to pursue legal action against Trump for his "direct role" in the killing of General Soleimani.

The reports of the alleged Iranian plot emerge at a time when the Secret Service is under heavy criticism regarding Trump's security. President Joe Biden ordered a comprehensive investigation into the security measures at the event in Butler.

Although the failed assassination attempt apparently had no connection to the reported Iranian plans - the heightened security measures due to the alleged Iranian threats could not prevent a man armed with a semi-automatic rifle from positioning himself just 150 meters from Trump on a rooftop.

Trump, who was officially nominated as the Republican candidate for the presidential election in November two days later, came close to death in the shooting incident. However, one spectator was killed, and two others in the audience were severely injured. The alleged shooter was shot by the Secret Service.

The suspect identified by the authorities is the 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Pennsylvania. According to their current knowledge, he acted alone.

  1. The 'CNN' report stated an Iranian murder plot against former President 'Trump', leading to increased security measures by the Secret Service.
  2. Adrienne Watson, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, declared the Iranian revenge plans against the 'Trump' administration as a matter of "highest priority".
  3. Despite the reported Iranian threat, investigations into the shooting incident in Butler, Pennsylvania, found no links to 'Murder plots'.
  4. The Secret Service responded to reports of the alleged Iranian threat against 'Trump' with adjusted resources, acknowledging constant new information about potential threats.
  5. The Iranian mission to the UN dismissed the reports as "fabricated and malicious", denying any involvement in the attack on 'Trump'.
  6. Nasser Kanani, a spokesperson for Iran's Foreign Ministry, emphasized Tehran's pursuit of legal action against 'Trump' for his role in the killing of General Soleimani.
  7. The Secret Service is under heavy criticism for 'Trump's security, following the shooting incident and the alleged Iranian threat, prompting a comprehensive investigation by President Joe Biden.

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