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US lawmaker: Biden permits Ukraine to counterattack in Russia to shield Kharkiv

Joe Biden lifts US restrictions on Ukraine's use of US-supplied weapons in Kharkiv region, as the area comes under fire, according to an official statement from Washington on Thursday.

US President Biden
US President Biden

US lawmaker: Biden permits Ukraine to counterattack in Russia to shield Kharkiv

An anonymous official has revealed that the President recently ordered his team to make sure Ukraine is capable of using the weapons given by the US for counterattacks in the Kharkiv area. The official stated that Ukraine should be able to "defend itself against Russian forces attacking or planning to attack."

There has been no alteration in the ban on using ATACMS missiles or long-range missiles inside Russia, the official said, referring to the missiles recently donated by America to Kiev. A second US official confirmed these details. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had previously suggested that Biden could change his stance on the matter.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been pleading with his allies for permission to use these weapons against targets in Russia in recent weeks. The Russian army launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region in eastern Ukraine in mid-May, driving Ukrainian forces back and making territorial gains.

The conversation about using Western weapons against Russian targets has become heated in the last few days. French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his opinion during his visit to Germany on Tuesday, saying that Ukraine needs to be able to "shut down" support points in Russia.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is still hesitant on the issue, insisting on preventing "war between Russia and NATO." He frequently insists on the "set rules" for German weapon deliveries, which have been agreed upon and are functioning properly.

Hope the above paraphrase helps you.

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