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US House of Representatives approves impeachment investigation against Biden

The US House of Representatives, which is controlled by the opposition Republicans, has formally approved the ongoing investigation into the impeachment of President Joe Biden. A corresponding resolution passed the chamber of Congress on Wednesday with a majority of 221 to 212 votes. The...

US President Joe
US President Joe

US House of Representatives approves impeachment investigation against Biden

The then Republican Chairman of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, had already ordered "a formal impeachment investigation" against Biden on September 12. However, there was never a vote on this in the plenary session of the chamber.

The Republicans have now made up for this in order to put the ongoing investigation on a more stable legal footing - among other things with a view to possible legal disputes regarding the subpoenaing of witnesses and the requesting of documents. The Republicans voted unanimously in favour of formalizing the ongoing investigation, while the Democrats voted against.

A renewed majority in the House of Representatives would be required for a so-called impeachment of the President - in a sense, the impeachment in impeachment proceedings. This would lead to an impeachment process in the Senate. A two-thirds majority in the Senate would then be required for an actual impeachment. Biden's impeachment is considered impossible, especially as his Democrats hold the majority in the Senate.

The Democrats see the Republicans' actions as revenge by the conservative party for the two impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump during his presidency - and an attempt to damage Biden politically ahead of the presidential election in November next year. Even numerous Republicans concede that there is no evidence of any misconduct by Biden.

The Republicans accuse Hunter Biden of having exploited his father's important position as Barack Obama's Vice President (2009 to 2017) for business deals in Ukraine and China in the past. They also accuse the current president of being involved in these deals and of having lied to the public.

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