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US agency reports warmest summer in the Arctic since weather records began

According to the US weather agency NOAA, this year's summer in the Arctic was the warmest since weather records began in 1900. The average air temperature from July to September was 6.4 degrees Celsius, according to the NOAA's annual climate report published on Tuesday. Overall, it was the...

Glaciers in the
Glaciers in the

US agency reports warmest summer in the Arctic since weather records began

"The most important message from this year's report is that now is the time to act," explained NOAA chief Rick Spinrad. The USA must "dramatically reduce" its emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases, he emphasized.

According to the report, to which 82 authors from 13 different countries contributed, the warming of sea and air temperatures is continuing. This is leading to a decrease in snow cover, a decline in sea ice and further melting of the Greenland ice sheet.

According to the report, long-term ocean warming has unpredictable effects on ecosystems and led to record numbers of wild salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska, in 2021 and 2022. On the other hand, the populations of king and chum salmon declined due to heatwaves.

According to the report, the permafrost soils in the Arctic are also continuing to thaw. This threatens to release carbon dioxide that was previously trapped in the frozen ground, which could lead to an acceleration of global climate change.


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