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Urgent call for compassionate individuals to provide assistance to young asylum seekers

Youths underage and not accompanied by guardians, having traveled to Germany, are frequently in need of designated guardians within Berlin's city limits. The supply often falls short.

A caregiver navigates the institutionalization procedure alongside their charge.
A caregiver navigates the institutionalization procedure alongside their charge.

- Urgent call for compassionate individuals to provide assistance to young asylum seekers

Assistance required for looking after adolescents entering Germany, specifically Berlin. "Protection Guardianship Group" and the Youth Services Office call out for individuals interested in attending an info session on Sept 3rd, at Berlin State Center for Political Education.

During this gathering, detailed insights will be shared, including but not limited to, the responsibilities of individual guardianship, the referral methodology for unaccompanied minors, and the aid resources available. The "Protection Guardianship Group" is a network comprising of three entities, responsible for training, advising, and mediating volunteers. Financing for this organization comes from the Youth Services Office.

Guardian assists ward in asylum proceedings

As per the network's website, the role of an honorary guardian is to offer a helping hand and a promising outlook to a young, unaccompanied minor starting a new life in Berlin. Ideally, a strong bond develops that persists after the conclusion of the legally mandated guardianship period.

A guardian is entrusted with several responsibilities. For instance, they accompany the ward through the asylum proceedings, escort them to medical appointments, or engage in discussions with teachers.

After completing the info session on Sept 3rd, interested individuals may contribute to the well-being of adolescents entering Germany, specifically Berlin, by joining the "Protection Guardianship Group." This group, funded by the Youth Services Office, provides support to unaccompanied minors in Germany, with roles including assisting wards during asylum proceedings and offering emotional support.

Once established in Germany, these guardians may help their wards navigate various aspects of life, such as attending medical appointments or engaging with teachers, fostering a strong and enduring relationship during the legally mandated guardianship period.

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