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Urgent applications against measles vaccination of schoolchildren unsuccessful

Files lie on the table before a trial in a district
Files lie on the table before a trial in a district

Urgent applications against measles vaccination of schoolchildren unsuccessful

Parents must prove that their school-age children have been vaccinated against measles if requested to do so. This was decided by the Minden Administrative Court, which rejected two urgent applications by parents and referred to the existing measles vaccination requirement. The parents had filed their applications against infection protection orders issued by the district of Gütersloh. The district had asked them to prove that their children had been vaccinated against measles - or that they could not be vaccinated for medical reasons - under threat of a penalty payment of 250 euros.

The parents refused to do so, arguing that the district's decisions constituted an unlawful obligation to vaccinate their children. The court clarified that the district's decisions were lawful. The legal basis was the Infection Protection Act, the VG announced on Tuesday. In addition, criteria from a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court from 2022 are transferable.

A measles vaccination serves the "overriding legal interests of the fundamental right to life and the physical integrity of a large number of people", the VG emphasized. Vaccination should also be considered "in the best interests of the child". Vaccination against measles has been compulsory since March 2020, starting in nurseries and schools. To prevent the highly contagious virus from circulating and outbreaks from occurring, at least 95% of the population must be immune.

Symptoms include fever, conjunctivitis and the typical skin rash. Complications can include inflammation of the middle ear and lungs, and very rarely inflammation of the brain. An infection often weakens the immune system for a long time. Once you have had measles, you are immune.

An appeal against the VG decision can be lodged with the OVG NRW.

The court's rejection of the urgent applications highlighted the importance of obeying the vaccination requirement, as judgments based on the Infection Protection Act and previous rulings deemed it a lawful measure. Despite parents' objections, schools might require health records showing measles vaccinations or valid medical exemptions, contributing to the collective health and protection against outbreaks.




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