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Urban local elections result in setbacks for the Greens.

Elections occurred across Europe and within Baden-Württemberg's municipalities, resulting in setbacks for the Greens. The degree of their losses varied, but the CDU is expected to prevail in the local contests.

Election workers at the Schwabenzentrum counting postal votes for the European elections.
Election workers at the Schwabenzentrum counting postal votes for the European elections.

Stuttgart undergoes a transformation as it adopts modern changes. - Urban local elections result in setbacks for the Greens.

In the local electoral process of Baden-Württemberg, there's an expectation for the Green party to face decreasing votes. Interestingly, the predicted declines won't be as severe in places like Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, and Mannheim as what happened during the Sunday European elections. Stuttgart and Mannheim are likely to be dominated by the CDU, with the Greens comparably stable in Karlsruhe despite their losses. AfD experienced a considerable increase compared to 5 years ago.

An approximate 8.6 million individuals were qualified to vote in the elections for municipal councils, district councils, and local councils. During this period, people in the Stuttgart district could also influence the make-up of the regional assembly. Due to the capacity for voting on various candidates and lists, results may not be announced immediately. The counting of the votes in the larger cities will only begin on Monday, with Sunday occupied by counting the votes for the European elections.

During the 2019 municipal elections, Association of Voters took the lead with 39.1% votes. While the CDU followed second with 22.8%, and the SPD with 13.4%. The Greens then followed with 12.9% of the total votes.

Official findings on the outcome of the Baden-Württemberg municipal elections 2019 from the State Center for Political Education. Data on the same from the Ministry of the Interior regarding the same.

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The Green party might experience fewer losses in the upcoming local council elections in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, and Mannheim compared to the European elections held on Sunday. Baden-Württemberg's local council election results may not be announced instantly due to the extensive vote counting process, especially in larger cities like Stuttgart, where the counting will begin on Monday. Despite the AfD's significant increase in votes compared to 5 years ago, the CDU is anticipated to secure a majority in cities like Stuttgart and Mannheim. Despite facing setbacks in the local elections, the Greens remain competitive in Karlsruhe, retaining comparatively stable votes. Across Europe, around 8.6 million individuals were eligible to vote in various local council elections, including those in Stuttgart's district, which could influence the regional assembly's makeup.


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