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Upcoming trial as child's remains are found.

A young child's lifeless body is discovered on the outskirts of a tiny town. The trial for this case is scheduled to begin in early autumn.

The justice center with the seat of the Gera district court.
The justice center with the seat of the Gera district court.

Following the discovery of a toddler's lifeless body in Bad Blankenburg, a court date has been set. The primary trial is slated to commence in September as a representative from the Gera District Court confirmed upon inquiry. The prosecution initiated legal proceedings against the child's mother and her partner back in January. They allegedly neglected the child, leading to her death, among other charges. At the time of the child's demise, the woman was probably in her late teenage years.

In January 2023, the cadaver of the young girl was found on the outlying areas of the small spa town of Bad Blankenburg, with a population of about 6,000. It was estimated that the girl was around two to three years old when she passed away. The exact duration the child's body had been left there remained unknown. Autopsies failed to determine the precise cause of death due to the substantial lapse of time between her death and the discovery of her corpse.

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The public prosecutor's office in Thuringia has been handling the processes related to this case since January. The processes leading up to the main hearing will involve examining the couple's alleged neglect and the role it played in the child's death. The mother and her partner are scheduled to stand trial for their crimes against the child on the appointed court date in September. Justice will be served in the courthouse of Bad Blankenburg, where this harrowing case will reach its climax, marking the start of the formal process towards bringing the accused to account.




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