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Upcoming Event in 2027: Emphasis on Women's Significance

Bavaria's Minister of Science, Markus Blume from the CSU party, discussed the theme of the 2027...
Bavaria's Minister of Science, Markus Blume from the CSU party, discussed the theme of the 2027 state exposition.

- Upcoming Event in 2027: Emphasis on Women's Significance

Caring and females are the main subjects of the Bavarian State Exhibition 2027. "Caring and wellness are massive societal shifts," stated Bavarian Minister of Culture Markus Blume (CSU) during the collaboration agreement signing in Munich. The goal of this exhibition is also to emphasize "the remarkable contribution of women in healthcare."

This event will unfold in 2027 at two Swabian locations that have historical significance with the theme: Ursberg serving as the exhibition site and Dillingen as the educational hub. Notably, since the mid-19th century, an exceptional healthcare culture has flourished in this area. Richard Loibl, director of the House of Bavarian History, underlined the influential role women have played in education and care since then, mentioning that it's long overdue to acknowledge these achievements.

In Ursberg, they've been providing a respectable life with the motto "Aid and Heal" for decades - even the nuns from the St. Joseph congregation have been part of this mission. The Bavarian State Exhibition 2027 will unveil this "caring universe" and encourage guests to delve deeper into the region's care and nursing history and present.

The Bavarian State Exhibition 2027, focused on 'caring' and women's contributions, will include demonstrations at various 'Exhibitions', showcasing the impact of females in healthcare and caregiving.In alignment with this, visitors to Ursberg, one of the exhibition locations, will gain insight into the long-standing tradition of nursing and education, where women have played a pivotal role for centuries.

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