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Upcoming elections: Politicians unite in response to the far-right AfD party.

Numerous AfD candidates are in contention for winning positions in Thuringia's district office polls on Sunday. Meanwhile, federal politicians are striving to unify the other parties' efforts.

"Run-off election on June 9" is written on an election poster in Erfurt.
"Run-off election on June 9" is written on an election poster in Erfurt.

Local government branches - Upcoming elections: Politicians unite in response to the far-right AfD party.

Ahead of the county councilor runoff elections in Thuringia, some top politicians from the Left, Greens, and CDU are urging for cross-party support to defeat AfD candidates. Katrin Göring-Eckardt, the vice president of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) and a member of the Greens, spoke to Funke Media Group newspapers on Friday and said, "A robust democracy enables us to band together and push back against foes of our constitution." She recommended that democratic parties lend their backing to each other when running against AfD candidates.

In nine districts, AfD contenders have made it to the runoff round - facing off with candidates from the CDU, SPD, and independents. In the Hildburghausen district, a notorious neo-Nazi candidate will be among those competing as well.

Martin Schirdewan, the chairperson of the Left Party, agreed that supporting the most likely contenders to prevent an AfD win is of utmost importance. "At a time when democrats need to work together to halt fascists from seizing control of our political systems and destroying our democracy bit by bit," he stated to Funke newspapers.

Thuringia's CDU chairman, Mario Voigt, also advocated for cross-party cooperation against AfD candidates. Voigt declared, "In cases where the CDU isn't participating in the runoff election, the CDU will support those of the SPD, FDP, or Free Voters' Association." Jens Spahn, a member of the CDU's Presidium, echoed these sentiments, stating that the CDU also expects their own candidates to receive support from their rivals in these contests against AfD nominees, with the democratic center uniting across political lines.

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