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Upcoming court case for right-wing extremist Sven Liebich.

Right-wing extremist Sven Liebich is appearing in court for an appeal hearing, potentially facing his first prison sentence. During the initial trial day, Liebich delivered a statement.

The defendant Sven Liebich in the courtroom of the Halle Regional Court.
The defendant Sven Liebich in the courtroom of the Halle Regional Court.

Court in Halle, Germany Rules on Case - Upcoming court case for right-wing extremist Sven Liebich.

The far-right activist Sven Liebich faces a trial once again starting from Thursday. Authorities charged him with a multitude of offenses including inciting hatred, defamation, and slander. Previously, a District Court based in Halle convicted Liebich in July 2023, sentencing him to a year and a half without the possibility of parole. Both the public prosecution and the defense filed appeals leading to this trial. The court process should continue until the 28th of June.

For quite some time, Liebich has organized protests, frequently at the market square in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Frequently, there were confrontations with counter-protesters. Numerous courts have previously judged cases involving Liebich. Multiple convictions have been imposed on him, including fines and jail terms with parole.

During the initial part of the trial, the judge read out the charges. Liebich addressed the allegations. He acknowledged using certain phrases from the indictment in the past but promised not to use them in court. He also denied other allegations. Liebich explained that "for months," he intentionally stayed away from public appearances - not giving any speeches. He was trying to avoid jail time this way. Pending a legal conviction, Liebich is presumed innocent.

On the first day, photographs and videos were presented as evidence. Liebich responded to inquiries from the public prosecutor and the court. One witness was heard. She identified herself as a journalist who had observed Liebich's events since the 90s. Liebich had disparaged her in his speeches, the witness claimed. More witnesses are expected to be called during the trial.

Before the trial started, several individuals protested vehemently outside the courthouse against Liebich. They were prompted by the group "Halle against the Right - Alliance for Civil Courage."

In the past, other courts have addressed accusations against Liebich. He had received fines for misdemeanors and been sentenced to imprisonment, including for inciting hatred. However, these sentences were suspended. There is a high probability of him receiving a new jail sentence.

In July, there is another anticipated appeal trial against Liebich - this time before the Leipzig Regional Court. This followed a decision from the District Court Leipzig where Judge Liebich was found guilty of jointly inflicting grievous bodily harm to six months imprisonment without parole. During a Coronavirus protest in November 2020, Liebich is believed to have attacked a photographer. His four co-defendants, two men and a woman, received suspended sentences ranging from six to ten months, accompanied by additional penalties, while Liebich also inserted an appeal.

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