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Up to 100,000 expected: large demonstrations against AfD party conference

100,000 demonstrators could gather at the large protests against the AfD party conference in Essen. But not all of them are likely to have peaceful intentions.

A police vehicle is parked behind a barrier outside the Grugahalle in Essen, where the AfD will be...
A police vehicle is parked behind a barrier outside the Grugahalle in Essen, where the AfD will be holding its party conference this weekend.

AfD party conference - Up to 100,000 expected: large demonstrations against AfD party conference

With a large deployment, the police in Essen are preparing for the expected mass protests against the AfD federal party conference this weekend. Up to 100,000 people could peacefully participate in the numerous actions, according to the assessment of the forces. At least 45,000 demonstrators could gather at a central assembly organized by the city of Essen on Saturday afternoon. Simultaneously, the police are also preparing for possible disturbances: The officers fear that around 1000 left-wing extremists could try to disrupt the party conference with violent means.

Most and largest protests will take place on Saturday. The initiative "Together Loud" calls for a large demonstration starting at 10:00 AM at the main train station. Participants will then march through the city to the Grugahalle, where the AfD is holding their federal party conference.

The first peaceful protest took place on Friday evening under the motto "Bass against Hate". Several thousand demonstrators marched from Essen main station towards the exhibition grounds in the south. Well-known DJs had performed on music trucks and drove to the Grugahalle. According to the organizers, around 5000 people participated in the initial rally. More joined throughout the event.

The central assembly on Saturday afternoon is organized by the city of Essen on the Messeparkplatz P2, not far from the Grugahalle. Numerous initiatives are represented there with information stands (from 1:00 PM). Speakers on the stage include Essen's Mayor Thomas Kufen (CDU), Evonik Board Member Christian Kullmann, and the President of the Synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Anna-Nicole Heinrich (from 2:00 PM). Finally, there is a music program (from 5:00 PM).

Police issue clear warning to blockers

Conflicts between activists and police could already occur on Saturday morning: Left-wing groups have announced plans to block the train tracks leading to the conference venue early in the morning and prevent the approximately 600 delegates from reaching their destination. The police have made it clear that they will not tolerate a blockade of the party conference and aim to ensure an uninterrupted course for the AfD event. "Preventive blockades aimed at disrupting or preventing the AfD federal party conference are a criminal offense", warned the law enforcement in advance.

Most of the 600 AfD delegates must individually plan their journey to the Grugahalle. Guidelines for conduct have been provided to them, according to the police. The police did not provide further details. Only the top politicians will be transported directly into the hall.

The police are focusing particularly on around 1000 left-wing extremists expected in Essen. There are announcements from the scene to prevent the party conference with violent actions. "We also know that there were targeted trainings to prepare for the prevention of the party conference", said Police Operations Leader Detlef Kobbel in advance.

The police will take decisive action against such actions. "If it is really necessary, we will ensure the protection through robust intervention against potentially violent disturbances", emphasized Essen Police President Andreas Stuve.

Shops closed, shop windows boarded up

Security measures disrupted the popular shopping and nightlife district Rüttenscheid on Friday, partially paralyzing it. Residents came only on foot and after an ID check to their homes. Drivers had to circumvent the Grugahalle extensively. The operation of buses and trams was halted on several lines. At some shop windows, boards were nailed up out of fear of riots.

The AfD intends to elect a new board during their party conference on Saturday and Sunday. The city of Essen had been looking for ways to prevent the AfD party conference for months - but ultimately failed in court.

City Essen to Common Loud Resistance Newsticker of the Police [During the Demonstration Weekend]

  1. Despite the large deployment of police, a massive protest against the AfD federal party conference is expected this weekend at Essen main station, with up to 100,000 people participating in various actions.
  2. On Friday evening, the first peaceful protest under the motto "Bass against Hate" took place, with several thousand demonstrators marching towards the Grugahalle.
  3. On Saturday afternoon, a central assembly organized by the city of Essen is scheduled to take place at the Messeparkplatz P2, attracting numerous initiatives with information stands and well-known speakers.
  4. The police have issued a clear warning to blockers, stating that preventive blockades aimed at disrupting or preventing the AfD federal party conference are a criminal offense.
  5. Shops and businesses in Rüttenscheid were partly closed and shop windows boarded up on Friday, as a result of security measures taken due to the upcoming demonstrations.
  6. The AfD intends to elect a new board during their party conference this weekend at the Grugahalle, despite efforts by the city of Essen to prevent the conference.

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