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Unknown persons trigger explosion in school auditorium

Unknown persons have set off pyrotechnics in a school auditorium in Berlin-Westend. The janitor of the school discovered several damaged window frames and panes of glass at around 6.30 a.m. on Thursday morning and called the police, according to officials in Berlin on Thursday.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car during an operation.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car during an operation.

Explosions - Unknown persons trigger explosion in school auditorium

Unknown persons have set off pyrotechnics in a school auditorium in Berlin-Westend. The janitor of the school discovered several damaged window frames and panes of glass at around 6.30 a.m. on Thursday morning and called the police, according to officials in Berlin on Thursday.

According to the police, it is still unclear how the perpetrators got into the school's auditorium. They detonated a "pyrotechnic product" there. According to current information, no one was injured in the explosion. State security has taken over the investigation.

Press release

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The incident prompted discussions about the rising levels of criminality in schools, with some parents expressing concerns about the safety of their children. The police are also investigating if this was an isolated incident or part of a larger pattern of pyrotechnic-related acts. Despite the explosive incident, Berlin's events calendar continues with their annual fireworks display in the city center this weekend.




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