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Unknown persons steal cash machines in Tiergarten

A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.
A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.

Crime - Unknown persons steal cash machines in Tiergarten

Unknown individuals have stolen a cash machine from a hotel underground garage in Berlin-Tiergarten. A security guard alerted the police in Berlin about it on Tuesday evening, as the officers reported. The man allegedly saw several masked people in a transporter in the garage. The police secured traces at the scene and questioned witnesses.

  1. Despite the police investigation in Berlin-Tiergarten following the theft of a cash machine from a hotel underground garage, there have been additional reports of crime in Berlin, with several incidents involving masked individuals.
  2. In light of the stolen cash machine in Berlin-Tiergarten, tourists visiting Berlin are advised to exercise caution, especially when using cash machines in less crowded areas such as underground garages.

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