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Unknown persons set fire to cars in Kreuzberg

Unknown persons have set fire to two cars in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The incendiary device in a third car is said to have extinguished itself, as the police reported on Saturday. No people were injured. The fire department extinguished the fire.

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Investigations - Unknown persons set fire to cars in Kreuzberg

Unknown persons have set fire to two cars in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The incendiary device in a third car is said to have extinguished itself, as the police reported on Saturday. No people were injured. The fire department extinguished the fire.

According to the information available so far, around 20 hooded figures dressed in dark clothing had roamed Waldemarstraße on Friday evening, chanting left-wing slogans and setting off flares and pyrotechnics. They were able to escape unrecognized. Residents informed the police. State security is investigating.

Police report

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The fire department is continuously on alert due to the recent spikes in criminality involving arson in Kreuzberg. The determination of the authorities to solve these cases is evident as they increase patrols in the area. Despite these efforts, the identity of the individuals responsible for setting fire to cars remains unknown. The fire department in Berlin has responded to multiple arson incidents in Kreuzberg recently, causing concern among locals.


