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Unknown persons set cellar on fire: House uninhabitable

Unknown persons set fire to several cellar compartments of an apartment building in Leipzig on Sunday night. The house in the Grünau district is currently uninhabitable, police said on Sunday.

A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.
A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.

Leipzig - Unknown persons set cellar on fire: House uninhabitable

Unknown persons set fire to several cellar compartments of an apartment building in Leipzig on Sunday night. The house in the Grünau district is currently uninhabitable, the police announced on Sunday.

At least two compartments were completely destroyed and others damaged. A 53-year-old resident was taken to hospital on suspicion of smoke inhalation, they said. No other people were injured. According to the police, the amount of property damage cannot yet be quantified.

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