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Unknown persons riot at student hall of residence

Unknown persons riot at a student hall of residence in Köthen. The incident highlights increasing tensions in the region.

A police car with flashing blue lights is parked in front of a building.
A police car with flashing blue lights is parked in front of a building.

District of Anhalt-Bitterfeld - Unknown persons riot at student hall of residence

Unknown individuals disrupted peace at a student dormitory in Köthen, in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district, and shouted racist slogans. Three men damaged the windows of entrance doors and destroyed intercom systems at the building entrances during the night leading to Sunday, according to the police. They allegedly shouted "Foreigners out." The perpetrators then fled in a car. The estimated damage was around 1500 Euro, and the investigation is ongoing.

Similarly, there was a reported racist incident in Halle on Saturday evening. A 35-year-old intoxicated man insulted a staff member of a doner kebab shop racially. He then threw a flower pot in the direction of the staff member and attempted to assault him. The staff member of the doner kebab shop remained unharmed. Police inspections in Sachsen-Anhalt continue to report racist attacks.

  1. The racist incident in Köthen occurred in the Men's student residence, which is located in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld County, part of Saxony-Anhalt.
  2. On Sunday, the local Police in Köthen are investigating a Crime involving racist slogans and property damage at a Student residence in the city.
  3. The County Council of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, located in Saxony-Anhalt, has expressed concern over the increasing number of Hate crimes against minorities in the region, including the recent incident in Köthen.
  4. Students living in the affected Student residence in Köthen have organized a peaceful demonstration to condemn the hate Crime and demand stronger measures from the local Police and the County Council.

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