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Unknown persons destroy letterboxes with pyrotechnics

Around the turn of the year, several letterboxes and other objects were damaged by pyrotechnics in Leipzig. On New Year's Eve, unknown persons first destroyed the letterbox system of an apartment building in Paunsdorf using explosives, as the police reported on Tuesday. There was no mail or...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Turn of the year - Unknown persons destroy letterboxes with pyrotechnics

Around the turn of the year, several letterboxes and other objects were damaged by pyrotechnics in Leipzig. On New Year's Eve, unknown persons first destroyed the letterbox system of an apartment building in Paunsdorf using explosives, as the police reported on Tuesday. There was no mail or letters lying around. A few hours later, an electricity box nearby was damaged with pyrotechnics. As a result, several apartment buildings were temporarily without power. Another letterbox in Engelsdorf was also blown up.

According to the police, unknown perpetrators opened a parcel locker at a parcel station in Zentrum-Südost on Monday and placed pyrotechnics inside. The parcel locker was badly damaged in the explosion and at least four parcels were stolen. In Groitzsch, south of Leipzig, the alarm system of a store was blown up. The electronics and the walls of the building were also damaged. On Tuesday, unknown persons blew up a cigarette vending machine in Neustadt-Neuschönefeld. It was initially unclear whether they also took cigarettes.

The criminal investigation department is investigating all cases for causing an explosion with explosives. According to the police, the total damage caused amounts to at least 10,000 euros.


Read also:

  1. Despite the escalating incidents of pyrotechnic-related damage on New Year's Eve, including the destruction of letterboxes in Paunsdorf, Engelsdorf, and several electricity boxes around Leipzig, the police are actively investigating all cases as incidents of causing an explosion with explosives.
  2. Residents of Saxony were left shocked as criminality approached new heights, with letterboxes in various locations being targeted with explosives, resulting in extensive damage and some parcels being stolen from a parcel station in Zentrum-Südost.
  3. The turn of the year in Leipzig was marred by a series of explosions, with one incident involving pyrotechnics triggering an explosion in a parcel locker, damaging the locker and stealing at least four parcels.
  4. The police report on the criminality surrounding New Year's Eve in Leipzig mentioned that unknown persons blew up a cigarette vending machine in Neustadt-Neuschönefeld, potentially causing further damage and stealing cigarettes.
  5. The celebration of New Year's Eve in Leipzig this year was highlighted by an increase in criminality, with letterboxes, electricity boxes, and a parcel locker all suffering from explosions caused by pyrotechnics, resulting in both property damage and financial losses exceeding 10,000 euros.


