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Unknown person smears Swastika on wall in Apolda

A witness discovers right graffiti on a wall in Apolda and calls the police.

Unknown individuals have smeared a Swastika on a wall in Apolda (photo).
Unknown individuals have smeared a Swastika on a wall in Apolda (photo).

Criminality - Unknown person smears Swastika on wall in Apolda

Unknown individuals have spray-painted a Swastika on a wall in Apolda. A witness discovered several right-wing symbols on the wall on Saturday and called the police, as the Apolda police reported. The graffiti have been removed meanwhile. The police are investigating.

The Apolda police are actively investigating the incident of Criminality, as a Swastika and other right-wing symbols were found spray-painted on a wall in Thuringia's Apolda. Despite efforts to erase the symbols, this act of hate speech remains under scrutiny by the local law enforcement.

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