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Unknown man beats up man and steals car

A stranger beat up a man in Berlin-Marzahn and then stole his car. The 62-year-old parked his car in Havemannstraße in the early morning and was then asked the time by a stranger, police said on Friday. After answering, the stranger punched him in the face, causing the 62-year-old to fall to...

A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.

Marzahn - Unknown man beats up man and steals car

A stranger beat up a man in Berlin-Marzahn and then stole his car. The 62-year-old parked his car in Havemannstraße in the early morning and was then asked the time by a stranger, police said on Friday. After answering, the stranger punched him in the face, causing the 62-year-old to fall to the ground.

The stranger then demanded the man's car keys, wallet and rucksack and then drove off in the car in the direction of Kemberger Straße. The 62-year-old suffered minor injuries to his head.

Police press release

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