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<unk> Cyclist seriously injured

A cyclist is hit by a car while attempting to cross a street. The 39-year-old is severely injured.

A 39-year-old cyclist was struck by a car and suffered severe head injuries. (Symbol image)
A 39-year-old cyclist was struck by a car and suffered severe head injuries. (Symbol image)

- <unk> Cyclist seriously injured

In a collision with a car, a 39-year-old cyclist in Cuxhaven suffered severe head injuries. On Thursday evening, a 37-year-old driver was traveling too fast in his vehicle when the cyclist attempted to cross the street from the bike path, police reported. The collision occurred, and the cyclist was severely injured and transported to the hospital by helicopter.

Officers detected a strong smell of alcohol on the driver, and a test revealed a blood alcohol level above 1.6 per thousand. A blood sample was taken from the driver. Additionally, a criminal investigation was initiated for endangering traffic safety and failure to render aid. Witnesses reported that the 37-year-old initially did not attend to the injured cyclist.

Despite the driver's attempts to leave the scene, witnesses intervened and ensured he remained at the site of the [-accident]. Due to his intoxication, the driver was charged with causing the [-accident] that resulted in the cyclist's severe injuries.

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