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University of Greifswald employees go on strike: More pay

An empty lecture hall at a
An empty lecture hall at a

University of Greifswald employees go on strike: More pay

The warning strike at the University of Greifswald, called by Verdi following inconclusive wage negotiations for the public sector of the federal states, got off to a successful start on Friday morning. The warning strike was called by employees - including trainees and student employees - of the University and the University Medical Center in Greifswald.

Around 300 employees stopped work on Friday, according to Verdi union secretary Friedrich Gottschewski on Friday afternoon. In addition, around 450 employees, including the early shift at the University Medical Center, marched through the city from 10.00 am as part of a demonstration.

The unions are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more. Junior staff should receive 200 euros more - and be taken on for an indefinite period. The wage agreement should run for 12 months. Maximum care providers such as university medicine are systemically relevant, emphasized the Verdi trade union secretary. This must also be reflected in wages. "Healthcare workers have been applauded and cheered during the pandemic. In return, the impending loss of real wages due to the enormous rise in prices should not be halted. That is disrespectful," said Gottschewski.

The striking University of Greifswald employees, largely supported by trade unions, aim to improve their salaries, specifically seeking a 10.5% increase or at least an additional 500 euros. Meanwhile, the impact of the strike extends beyond education, affecting the provision of medicine, as maximum care providers like university medicine are essential services.




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