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Uninterrupted downpour anticipated in Bavaria: matters are escalating

Bavaria's Free State is bracing for intense rainfall, as meteorologists predict "extreme" downpours, particularly in Swabia and Upper Bavaria. Water levels increased last evening, prompting emergency responders to prepare.

A meadow in front of Gleusdorf Castle is under water.
A meadow in front of Gleusdorf Castle is under water.

The regions of Swabia and Upper Bavaria are in focus. - Uninterrupted downpour anticipated in Bavaria: matters are escalating

Torrential downpours are predicted to continue in large parts of Bavaria until Sunday. The majority of this precipitation will impact Swabia and Upper Bavaria areas. An alarming weather update was released by the German Meteorological Service (DWD) on Saturday, indicating a level 4 rainfall intensity (out of 4) until Saturday afternoon. The lashed regions face critical water inundations and higher elevated waters, which may result in dangerous landslides.

Franconia and major sections of Upper Palatinate are set to experience vivid rainstorms in addition to heavy rainfall on Saturday, as revealed by the DWD on Friday.

The scenario intensified on Friday evening with unfortunate reports concerning western Bavaria. State officials were in constant liaison with the rescue authorities. Authorities in Neu-Ulm constructed barriers to hinder water surges.

According to the Forecast from the Bavarian Environment Ministry (HND) on Friday and reiterated on Saturday, the river Danube is predicted to attain a level of three at the Kelheim gauge on Saturday. In Neu-Ulm, authorities are anticipating a potentially exorbitant level four occurrence over the weekend. In Unterallgäu region, water levels are on the rise as well. Ensuing Friday night, levels 3 will likely be recorded at the Günz and Mindel gauges. It is highly foreseeable that level four water heights could be reached elevated.

On Saturday evening, citizens can remain abreast of the latest developments through the HND website. "We have the situation in its entirety monitored closely throughout Bavaria," conveyed Glauber. "The alert services are prepared to respond promptly to potential flood occurrences." The collaborative efforts of authorities and courts are focused on swiftly identifying hazardous flood scenarios.

Bavarian Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber (Free Voters) drew attention to the HND's outlook from Friday evening. "Our emergency teams and volunteers are working round the clock to mitigate risks and damage to the best of their abilities," said the minister. "While we cannot completely avert flash flood or flooding hazards, water control and rescue services are prepared to undertake preventive measures."

Municipalities are also preparing for the ongoing weather condition. Leipheim city of Günzburg District is bracing for a 100-year flood event. It shut down the Danube Waterworks for safety reasons on Friday. Nonetheless, the city also transferred the local water supply to a different waterworks as the Danube supply may completely cease within the following days. The decision to stock up on bottled water was promoted to the citizens.

Regensburg planned to erect mobile flood barriers around the Danube river on Friday. Level 2 (4.50 meters) and Level 3 (5.00 meters) could be transcended on Sunday, underscoring the danger.

In Kitzingen, Miesbach, Landshut, and Bamberg, municipalities have already commenced alerting citizens about potential inundations. The Miesbach district, for instance, is inquiring about the likelihood of citizens aiding fellow residents nestled in nearby and neighboring realms.

The ferry service at Mariaposching to Stephansposching will remain inoperative from Saturday through at least Monday, as per the authorities.

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