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Unimedizin Rostock: Liver transplants still possible

Organ transplants are complex medical procedures. Minimum case numbers are prescribed for quality assurance. The University Medical Center Rostock recently fell short of these.

The Rostock University Medical Center has presented a new concept and may continue to carry out...
The Rostock University Medical Center has presented a new concept and may continue to carry out liver transplants despite a recent drop in the number of cases.

Health - Unimedizin Rostock: Liver transplants still possible

The associations of health insurance funds and the social insurance institutions in MV have approved an exception application from the University Medicine Rostock (UMR) for the continuation of liver transplantations. The only transplantation center in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern presented a new concept. This should further improve the treatment quality and serve more female and male patients than before, as the health insurance funds, the state, and the clinic announced in a joint statement.

The UMR had recently fallen short of the statutory minimum of 20 liver transplantations per year. In 2023, there were ten such interventions. Therefore, the health insurance funds and the social insurance institutions in cooperation with the Schwerin Health Ministry requested that the clinic develop a concept showing how transplantation medicine at the UMR can be received and further developed.

Specific further training for female and male doctors

The two-year concept includes, among other things, the further development of cooperations with all hospitals in MV to increase the share of female and male patients from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In addition, future female and male doctors who work at the center should be able to acquire the additional qualification Transplantation Medicine through specific further training.

Patients who need to be treated on the intensive care unit after a liver or kidney transplant are planned to be treated at the UMR on a joint specialized intensive care unit in the future. This will increase the qualification and routine of the treating nursing staff.

Daniela Teichert, Managing Director of AOK Nordost, spoke of a good day for all insured persons in MV who needed a liver or kidney transplant. "The talks were constructive and trustful, which is also reflected in the round concept with which the UMR has given a convincing answer to the increased quality requirements."

Drese: "Agreement is an important basis for Transplantation Medicine"

Health Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) described the agreement as an important basis for a future-oriented Transplantation Medicine in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. "The UMR now has sufficient time to implement the concept and thus sustainably stabilize Transplantation Medicine in our country."

In the so-called Minimum Quantities Catalogue, the services are listed that the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) has set as minimum quantities for the services of a hospital location. According to this, 20 liver transplantations per year must be carried out in the field of liver transplantation. For kidney transplantations, the requirement is at least 25 and for heart transplantations at ten per year per clinic. The Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) is the highest decision-making body of the self-administration in the German healthcare system.

  1. The approval for the continuation of liver transplantations at the University Medicine Rostock (UMR) comes from the associations of health insurance funds and social insurance institutions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MV).
  2. To address the shortfall in liver transplantations, the UMR in cooperation with the Schwerin Health Ministry developed a two-year concept that includes specific further training for future female and male doctors in Transplantation Medicine.
  3. The National association might need to consider the implications of this development in the Minimum Quantities Catalogue, which sets requirements for services in the German healthcare system.
  4. The success of this initiative could potentially lead to more patients from MV receiving liver transplantations, as the UMR aims to increase cooperations with all hospitals in the region.
  5. BMG and health insurance companies in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania could view this agreement as a positive step towards improving the quality of liver transplantation services in their region, ultimately benefiting the health of their insured individuals.

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