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Unified cabinet gathering held in Saxony and NRW.

Minister Presidents of Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia gather at a Leipzig cotton mill to discuss topics, with a main concentration on mandatory insurance for natural catastrophes.

NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst (l, CDU) and his Saxon counterpart Michael Kretschmer (CDU).
NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst (l, CDU) and his Saxon counterpart Michael Kretschmer (CDU).

Government and political affairs - Unified cabinet gathering held in Saxony and NRW.

The governments of Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia are set to hold a joint cabinet meeting in Leipzig on Tuesday. The meeting's agenda includes discussions on topics like technological transformation and hospital reform. Additionally, the state officials will tackle issues like the current security situation, cross-border cooperation, and a natural disaster liability insurance.

Both Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer and North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst (both belonging to CDU) are pushing for a liability insurance against natural disaster consequences, sparked by the recent flood incidents in certain areas of the Federal Republic. The Bundesrat requested the implementation of such a nationwide insurance more than a year ago. The resolution from the Bundesrat back then stated that the federal government feared an uneven burden on private households.

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