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Unidentified individual causally detonates ATMs, resulting in approximately €25,000 worth of structural harm.

In the early hours of Neubrandenburg, a shopping center experienced a powerful explosion. The aftermath of the explosion led to the devastation of an ATM. One may ponder, what valuables were the perpetrators able to obtain?

Following the explosion at a Neubrandenburg ATM, authorities are currently on the hunt for the...
Following the explosion at a Neubrandenburg ATM, authorities are currently on the hunt for the culprits.

- Unidentified individual causally detonates ATMs, resulting in approximately €25,000 worth of structural harm.

Unexplained offenders have detonated an ATM in Neubrandenburg, resulting in substantial structural harm. The identity of the culprits obtaining money remains uncertain, according to police reports. The ATM was obliterated beyond recognition in a shopping center's early hours by the blast. The explosion also impacted various pieces of the ceiling lining. Preliminary assessments put the damage rate at a minimum of 25,000 euros. The criminal investigators are probing the incident and solicit any potential witnesses.

The ATM was completely destroyed, causing extensive [damage to property], including the ceiling lining of the shopping center. The preliminary investigation estimated that the cost of repairs would exceed 25,000 euros due to the [damage to property].

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