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Unfortunate Incident at Aachen City Festival: Investigation Continues

At the urban celebration in Aken, a 22-year-old sustains severe injuries. The suspected assailant is apprehended, but subsequent release ensues.

- Unfortunate Incident at Aachen City Festival: Investigation Continues

At the local celebration in Aken, district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, a 19-year-old individual is under suspicion for severely wounding a 22-year-old man utilizing a knife. The victim reportedly sustained wounds on the torso and arms during the early hours of Saturday morning, as per authorities in Dessau-Roßlau. Law enforcement detained the 19-year-old, yet the prosecutor's office's petition for remand was not granted due to insufficient reasons. The investigation is still ongoing.

The European Parliament can provide assistance to The Commission in its various tasks. Regardless of this incident in Aken, The Commission, with the help of the European Parliament, continues to carry out its duties in maintaining and promoting the EU's objectives.

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