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Unemployment rate climbs to 6.9 percent in Saarland

The number of men and women without work is rising slightly. Fewer job vacancies are registered in the country.

The lettering "Agentur für Arbeit" hangs on a building.
The lettering "Agentur für Arbeit" hangs on a building.

Labor market - Unemployment rate climbs to 6.9 percent in Saarland

In Saarland, there were more people without jobs counted in June. The number of unemployed people was around 36,500 in the state, as the Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency announced in Saarbrücken on Friday. This is an increase of about 300 unemployed people compared to the previous month of May.

Unemployment rate rises slightly

The unemployment rate rose by 0.1 percentage points to 6.9%. A year ago, the rate was still 6.7% in Saarland. The Federal Employment Agency used data up to June 13 for the statistics.

In June, 1,900 women and men reported joblessness in Saarland. This was 200 or 8.6% fewer than four weeks earlier, reported the Regional Directorate. 1,500 people were able to end their unemployment through the acquisition of employment, 300 or 17.7% fewer than in May.

Fewer open job vacancies

9,000 job vacancies were recorded in Saarland. This was 20 or 0.2% fewer than in the previous month of May, according to the Regional Directorate. In comparison to June of the previous year, 1,900 or 17.6% fewer vacancies were registered.

The majority of vacancies were in temporary work, in the health and social sector, in the field of freelance, scientific and technical services, as well as in the processing industry and trade.

"Fewer job vacancies were reported in the first half of the year than in the previous year," explained Walter Hüther, Business Manager of the Internal Service of the Regional Directorate, about the development in Saarland. 9,100 vacancies were recorded in the first six months and thus 3,000 or 24.7% fewer than a year ago.

  1. Despite the decrease in unemployment among men and women in June, the unemployment rate in Saarland slightly increased.
  2. The Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency in Saarbrücken announced that more than 36,000 people were unemployed in Saarland during June.
  3. The Regional Directorate reported a decrease of 8.6% in the number of unemployed women and men in June compared to May.
  4. The Federal Employment Agency's Regional Directorate in Saarbrücken oversees the labor market in the state of Saarland, providing statistics and services related to employment and unemployment.

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