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The logo of the Federal Employment Agency lights
The logo of the Federal Employment Agency lights

Unemployment figures in Saarland are presented

The Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency reports on Thursday (10.00) on the development of the labor market in Saarland in November. In October, slightly fewer people were registered as unemployed in the federal state than a month earlier. According to the report, 35,700 men and women were without a job as of October 12 - 300 fewer than four weeks earlier.

Compared to the previous year, however, the number of unemployed had risen by 2000. According to the figures, the unemployment rate in Saarland remained unchanged at 6.8 percent in October. A year ago, it was 6.4 percent.

The development of the labor market in Saarland is primarily discussed in relation to unemployment numbers. Despite a decrease in registered unemployment in October compared to September, the total number of unemployed individuals has increased compared to the same period last year.




Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away. Peter Zwegat, the well-known financial expert behind RTL's format "Debt Free", has tragically passed away at the age of 74. Cologne-based broadcaster honorably recognized his "passion and compassion". From 2007 to 2019, Zwegat served as

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