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Unanticipated Sugar Content in Popular Cocktails: Piña Colada & Co. Might Surprise You

This article originates from the stern archive, initially published on October 19, 2018.

The World Health Organization (WHO) proposes restricting sugar intake to a maximum of six teaspoons, or 25 grams, daily. This equates to five percent of our total daily energy consumption. This is a substantial shift from previous WHO advice, which suggested limiting sugar intake to no more than ten percent of daily calories to minimize risks of unnecessary weight gain and tooth decay.

If you believe limiting sugar in your coffee is sufficient, think again. It's the covert, added sugar present in numerous foods and beverages that's worrying. This includes sugar found in honey, syrups, fruit juices, and concentrated fruit juice. Naturally-occurring sugars in fruits, vegetables, and milk don't pose harm, as researchers have yet to discover any detrimental effects. However, it's the secret sugar tucked away in processed foods that's the real issue.

Ketchup boasts a day's worth of sugar in one serving

Ketchup is a noteworthy example: A single tablespoon contains about one teaspoon of sugar, which translates to one-sixth of the recommended daily limit. Soda is even more concerning: A 250-milliliter glass of cola contains 27 grams of sugar, surpassing the daily limit.

Cocktails, frequently consumed as appetizers before dinner, can be true caloric time bombs. For instance, a Mojito has 23.47 grams of sugar, while a Margarita boasts 55 grams. These sugar contents are derived from the "Fatsecret" calorie calculator. To discover the sugar content of your preferred cocktails, click on the following photo gallery.

From February 18 to March 24, "stern TV on Sunday" host Dieter Köhn invites viewers to join him in reducing sugar consumption for five weeks, under the slogan "Sugar-Free Simplicity." Actress Tina Ruland adds prominent support, along with two other participants, daring the cold-turkey sugar detox. "stern TV on Sunday" airs on RTL at 11 pm and simultaneously on RTL+.**

Transparency disclaimer: stern belongs to RTL Germany.

Despite the WHO's recommendation to limit sugar intake, many foods and beverages contain hidden sources of sugar. For example, a single tablespoon of ketchup has enough sugar to exceed one-sixth of the daily limit.

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