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Unannounced labor investigations at "flying roofers"?

Some craftsmen occasionally travel from home to home to provide their services. Nevertheless, these transactions may not always be recorded accurately.

Ein Bauarbeiter mit einem Gasbrenner beim Bau eines Mehrfamilienhauses.
Ein Bauarbeiter mit einem Gasbrenner beim Bau eines Mehrfamilienhauses.

Building process - Unannounced labor investigations at "flying roofers"?

On Monday, "flying roofers" were at the center of federal searches in three states: Osnabrück and Leer (Lower Saxony), Berlin, and Hamburg. The authorities believe these individuals were part of an illegal network of companies involved in black-market work. Prosecutors revealed that they are targeting 36 suspected individuals.

Charges against them include embezzlement, as well as operating without registering their employees. In some cases, entire companies were not even registered. According to a spokesperson for the prosecution, these people are referred to as "flying roofers" because they offer their services through ads in newspapers or directly at homes, demanding cash payouts without receipts.

A massive operation, involving 590 customs officers, customs officers, and around 700 police officers and policewomen including special forces, conducted over 100 search warrants at business premises and apartments. Seized items include computers, mobile phones, and seven firearms. The collected evidence is now being examined. Investigators also confiscated significant assets to cover the damages to the social insurance funds. Prosecutors stated that arrest warrants amounting to over 800,000 euros are pending against the accused.

Customs authorities in Osnabrück have been looking into this case since mid-2022. Over the course of their investigation, they found twelve groups connected to this network. The case is also being investigated in relation to organized crime. However, the term "organized crime" has sparked debate due to concerns that it aims to stigmatize and discriminate against individuals based solely on their family ties and origin.

Interestingly, the connection between "flying roofers" and fraud investigations is common. Fraud is often discovered to have occurred during the work or when unneeded craft services were provided. Yet, this was not part of the searches conducted on Monday.

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