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Unannounced emergency drill at Temelin nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic

The Temelin nuclear power plant near the border in the Czech Republic has held an unannounced emergency drill. The sirens sounded on the plant premises in the morning, power plant spokesman Marek Svitak told the German press agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Wednesday. Only a small group of...

A warning sign "Radioactive" hangs on a wall.
A warning sign "Radioactive" hangs on a wall.

Civil protection - Unannounced emergency drill at Temelin nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic

The Temelin nuclear power plant near the border in the Czech Republic has held an unannounced emergency drill. The sirens sounded on the plant premises in the morning, power plant spokesman Marek Svitak told the German press agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Wednesday. Only a small group of employees had known about the exercise in advance in order to be able to rehearse the reaction to an unexpected event as realistically as possible. Around 1000 residents living near the nuclear power plant were informed by text message.

The Temelin nuclear power plant is located less than 60 kilometers from the borders with Bavaria and Austria. The nuclear power plant has two pressurized water reactors of the Russian design VVER-1000/320. Temelin produced a total of 16.1 terawatt hours of electricity in 2023. According to the operator CEZ, this was the third-highest annual figure since commissioning in December 2000.

The Temelin nuclear power plant has long been criticized by environmentalists due to numerous incidents in the past. Among other things, they have doubts about the quality of the weld seams in the reactor pressure vessel. The operator CEZ and the Czech authorities have repeatedly rejected the accusations.

Operator CEZ, in Czech

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