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Unaccounted-for swimmer in the Rhine river

During warm weather, the refreshing Rhine might entice many to swim. However, a swim in the river can be deadly, as recent weekend events have shown.

Mit einem Hinweisschild "Baden im Rhein ist lebensgefährlich" warnt die Stadt Bonn die Menschen...
Mit einem Hinweisschild "Baden im Rhein ist lebensgefährlich" warnt die Stadt Bonn die Menschen vor den Gefahren beim Schwimmen im Rhein.

Düsseldorf: A German City on the Rhine - Unaccounted-for swimmer in the Rhine river

A man who fell victim to the river's strong current in Düsseldorf on Sunday is still unaccounted for. His wife is receiving intensive medical care right now, a representative from the Düsseldorf Fire Department shared on Monday. The incident occurred when the man entered the water to assist his spouse, but ended up in trouble himself. While she was subsequently rescued by emergency crews, the man seemed to have lost consciousness in the water.

Regarding the Rhine as a federal waterway, there's no official bathing ban, as stated by the same representative. Nonetheless, certain locations are restricted, such as near buildings like bridges or dockyards. They strongly urge people against it due to the river's swift flow. The currents can be concealed beneath the river's placid surface, thus creating a higher risk for those attempting to swim there. The passage of ships poses yet another potential hazard due to their suction power.

As for Germany, at least 378 people tragically lost their lives through drowning in 2023, surpassing the toll of the past year. The DLRG (German Life-Saving Association) reported this in February. Inland waters, where rescue swimmers cannot intervene during emergencies, were especially perilous, accounting for 90% of those casualties. More deaths occurred in rivers and canals compared to the previous year, with the DLRG registering 135 drowning victims in the latter category when compared to 105 the year prior. Concerning North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of such fatal accidents in 2023 was comparatively lower than the national trend. The weather is perceived as a leading reason for the number of drowning incidents, as crowds gather near water bodies during fine weather.

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