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Unaccompanied minor migrants rarely commit crimes

242 underage migrants arrived in Bremen between the beginning of October and the end of April. 162 were charged with a criminal offense, but 155 of them were only charged with illegal entry.

Unaccompanied minor aliens, UMA for short, play table football at the Heimstiftung's child and...
Unaccompanied minor aliens, UMA for short, play table football at the Heimstiftung's child and youth welfare center.

Migration - Unaccompanied minor migrants rarely commit crimes

The vast majority of unaccompanied minor foreigners, who have been charged with a crime in Bremen between October 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024, are no longer prosecutable due to their illegal entry. According to a special evaluation presented to the Senate of the Hanseatic City on Tuesday, 96% of the migrants had to account for themselves solely due to the accusation of illegal border crossing.

Based on this survey, there were 242 unaccompanied minors who arrived in Bremen during the mentioned seven months. Of these, 162 unaccompanied minors were accused of a crime, of whom 155 were charged solely with the offense of illegal border crossing. Seven minors – 2.9% of the total 242 individuals – were involved in other crimes: theft, fraud, trespassing, robbery, or threats. Five of these minors were charged with multiple offenses – three, five, 11, 15, or 42, as it was further stated.

"The special evaluation shows that unaccompanied minors in Bremen do not pose a general criminal risk," emphasized Social and Justice Senator Claudia Schilling. "Even though illegal border crossing is a crime, there is no danger to the public from this offense." The criminal prosecution authorities should focus on those unaccompanied minors who actually endanger public safety and order: "In such cases, youth detention is a necessary instrument," said the SPD politician.

  1. "Despite the high number of unaccompanied minor migrants in Bremen charged with a crime, such as illegal border crossing, theft, fraud, trespassing, robbery, or threats, the evaluation indicates that the majority do not pose a general criminal risk."
  2. "Consequently, it is crucial for the criminal prosecution authorities in Bremen to prioritize those unaccompanied minor migrants who actually endanger public safety and order, as opposed to focusing on minor offenses like illegal border crossing or migration-related crimes."

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