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Ulm's local elections saw the strongest performance by the Green party.

In Ulm, the Greens have once again secured the most votes, albeit with notable decreases. Meanwhile, the CDU ranked second.

The logo of the Bündnis90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the German Bundestag.
The logo of the Bündnis90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the German Bundestag.

Social Gatherings or Political Organizations - Ulm's local elections saw the strongest performance by the Green party.

Although experiencing substantial setbacks, the Greens are now back on top in the municipal election happening in Ulm. After tabulating all the ballots, they got approximately 19.8% of the votes. The CDU came in second with approximately 17.2%. The SPD came in afterwards with around 15%. The AfD earned 5.1% and the FDP got 4.2%.

Initially, there were 92,000 citizens eligible to cast their votes. The voting turnout was approximately 57% (2019: 57.8%). Across Baden-Württemberg, about 8.6 million individuals had the right to vote in the polls for municipal councils, district councils, and local councils.

In 2019, the Greens also triumphed in Ulm with 26.7%. The CDU placed second with 16.5%, the SPD came in third with 13.8%, the FDP had 5.0%, and the AfD obtained 1.7%.

The projected beginning of service for the newly elected city council is directly following the polls. Nevertheless, the formal ceremony where the city councilors take their oath does not occur until the election confirmation is completed. Ulm hopes for the 22nd of July as the date for this event, which is commonly referred to as Schwörmontag. Consequently, the anticipated Ulm city council is due to be sworn in on this day.

Data from the State Center for Political Education on the 2019 Ulm municipal election results in Baden-Württemberg Details from the Ministry of the Interior on the 2019 Ulm municipal election Interim results of the 2024 Ulm municipal elections Final result of the 2019 Ulm city council election

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