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Ukraine President Zelensky anticipated to appear at a meeting - address in the Bundestag

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is scheduled to participate in a reconstruction conference for his nation in Berlin on Tuesday. He will join forces with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to inaugurate the event. In the afternoon, the leader of the nation struck by Russia will also make...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to attend a conference in Berlin on Tuesday.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to attend a conference in Berlin on Tuesday.

The focus is on politics. - Ukraine President Zelensky anticipated to appear at a meeting - address in the Bundestag

Around 2000 representatives from various fields, including politics, business, and international organizations, are slated to attend an upcoming reconstruction conference. This event is not a donor's conference where money for reconstruction is collected, but rather a platform for key players to connect and collaborate.

Ukraine's President Zelenskyy already addressed German parliament members on March 17, 2022, just three weeks after the Russian onslaught on his country began. In a live video connection to the plenary hall, he begged the Federal Chancellor, Scholz, for more military support, saying, "Dear Federal Chancellor Scholz, destroy this wall. Give Germany the leadership role it deserves."

Presently, Germany is the second most generous supporter of Ukraine, after the USA, in terms of military and financial assistance. However, Chancellor Scholz has yet to commit to Zelenskyy's requests, declining to provide Taurus missiles with a 500-kilometer range and also opposing the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine. In contrast, French President Macron has voiced his intention to send military trainers to the battlefield alongside other nations. Macron declared last week that he planned to send military trainers to the war zone along with other countries.

Read also:

  1. President Volodymyr Selenskyy is expected to appear at a meeting in the Bundestag, the German parliament, to discuss ongoing conflicts and the support of Ukraine.
  2. During his address to the Bundestag in March 2022, Selenskyy appealed to Chancellor Olaf Scholz for more military support, urging Germany to take a leadership role in the global response to Russia's war in Ukraine.
  3. Despite being the second-largest contributor of military and financial aid to Ukraine, after the USA, Scholz has yet to fulfill Zelenskyy's requests for specific weapons and the deployment of NATO troops within Ukrainian borders.
  4. The upcoming reconstruction conference in Berlin will bring together 2000 representatives from various sectors, aiming to provide a platform for collaboration and cooperation rather than a donor conference to collect funds for Ukraine's recovery.
  5. In a significant move, French President Macron has announced his intention to send military trainers to the war-torn areas of Ukraine, marking a divergence from Scholz's stance on direct troop involvement.

