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Ukraine experiences heightened tension: Russian rockets and drone assaults target Kiev.

Ukraine faces ongoing pressure from Russian attacks and insufficient military resources. On Wednesday, the Ukrainian air defense said the Russian army had bombarded areas around the capital Kiev and other parts of the nation with 24 drones and six missiles. The New York Times reported that the...

Ukrainian soldier searches the skies for Russian drones
Ukrainian soldier searches the skies for Russian drones

Ukraine experiences heightened tension: Russian rockets and drone assaults target Kiev.

Rocket assaults have targeted Kiev from the south on multiple occasions, as per a statement made by the Kiev military administration through Telegram. Similarly, attack drones allegedly originated from this same region and headed towards the capital. Reporters from AFP, who were present in Kiev, confirmed the occurrence of at least one explosion.

Ukrainian air defense reported that they successfully shot down all 24 drones and five out of the six rockets launched. Consequently, debris from these incoming objects started a fire in Kiev, causing one injury. Meanwhile, in another incident related to drones, three individuals got wounded in Dnipropetrovsk, including a 13-year-old boy per reports from the General Prosecutor's Office. In yet another attack, an energy facility in Sumy's eastern region sustained damage, as disclosed by Ukrenergo, the region's energy supplier.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian President, asserted the interception of the drones and most of the rockets a significant achievement, making it a "daily success" if adequate resources are available to safeguard human lives. He appreciatively acknowledged the support received from allies working by their side to enhance their resistance against daily battles for survival.

Zelensky pleaded for more aid in air defense during the Ukraine reconstruction conference in Berlin on Tuesday. The German Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, committed to delivering 100 more Patriot missiles to Kiev. Moreover, Germany promised to supply additional sniper rifles, anti-tank weapons, and numerous strike drones.

Reports indicate that the United States will soon provide Ukraine with a fresh Patriot air defense system. According to the "New York Times", this new Patriot system is currently positioned in Poland. The delivery would make it the second system gifted by the US to aid Kiev in their battle against Russia's hostilities. Amid these reports, the US Defense Department didn't comment on the situation when inquired by AFP.

Ukraine has presently received two Patriot systems from Germany, with a third being promised for April. At the NATO defense ministers' meeting on Thursday, the core topic would be these deliveries.

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's Secretary-General, stated that Hungary wouldn't hinder other allies from offering financial aid to Ukraine and playing a leading role in coordinating that support. He divulged this information following a meeting with Orban in Budapest.

Orban described his chat with Stoltenberg as "difficult but constructive discussions". He stressed that Hungary should not provide financial support to the war, not send any personnel to the war, and avoid using Hungarian territory for participation in the war.

Orban is usually deemed an ally of Russia in the EU and has chosen not to distance himself from Moscow even though Russia launched an assault war against Ukraine.

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