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Ukraine aid: Scholz increases pressure on Hungary ahead of EU summit

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has increased the pressure on Hungary in the dispute over further billions in aid for Ukraine. In the EU, "almost all member states agree that we must continue to stabilize Ukraine's budget with a total of 50 billion euros in the coming years," said Scholz on...

Chancellor Scholz in
Chancellor Scholz in

Ukraine aid: Scholz increases pressure on Hungary ahead of EU summit

At the summit, Scholz announced that he would "advocate sustainable, reliable financial support for Ukraine for the coming years". After all, Europe's security is at stake. The German government also "expressly" supports the planned start of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

Hungary's head of government Viktor Orban is threatening to veto the resolutions in favor of Ukraine. He had called Ukraine "one of the most corrupt countries in the world" and called for a strategic debate on what the EU is aiming to achieve with its aid.

Scholz said: "It's about whether (Russian President Vladimir) Putin gets his way with his imperialist plans". It is about "whether borders in Europe will be secure in the future or whether land theft and occupation will once again become the European norm". Germany's security would also be decided in Ukraine.

Other topics at the EU summit on Thursday and Friday include the situation in the Middle East and the EU's medium-term financial framework until 2027. Scholz is expected to attend a summit with the Western Balkan states in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon.

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