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Ufo demands more money for Lufthansa flight attendants

There is not only a wage dispute at Deutsche Bahn. The flight attendants' union is also making demands of Lufthansa. Negotiations are due to begin this Friday.

The flight attendants' union Ufo is demanding 15 percent more money for Lufthansa cabin
The flight attendants' union Ufo is demanding 15 percent more money for Lufthansa cabin

Ufo demands more money for Lufthansa flight attendants

The flight attendants' union Ufo is demanding 15 percent more pay for the approximately 18,000 cabin crew at Lufthansa. In addition, the union wants to achieve an inflation compensation bonus of 3,000 euros and an increase in function bonuses for managers in the upcoming collective bargaining round.

Ufo collective bargaining board member Joachim Vázquez Bürger referred, among other things, to the Group's record turnover in the third quarter and the successful return of aviation after the coronavirus pandemic.

Ufo sees real wage losses

"Now it is time for the cabin crew, who have made a significant contribution to this success and who bear the burden of catastrophic personnel planning, to receive a financial contribution," said Bürger. According to Ufo, despite a pay rise last year, the vast majority of cabin crew have seen their real wages fall since 2019 due to high inflation.

Other demands include an increase in a vacation pay supplement and the so-called foreign language allowance, both of which have not been increased for decades, as well as an education allowance of 500 euros for Ufo members. The new collective wage agreement is to run for 18 months.

The current agreement expires on December 31, when the peace obligation also ends. Negotiations are due to begin this Friday.

  1. The ongoing tariffs on air traffic might impact Lufthansa's ability to meet the union Ufo's demands for higher pay and bonuses for their flight attendants.
  2. Amidst rumors of UFO sightings, some passengers on a Lufthansa flight reported experiencing unusual occurrences, causing momentary tension between the flight attendant and the passengers.
  3. If the current railroad strike continues, it could lead to delays in cargo transportation, potentially affecting the delivery of essential materials needed for Lufthansa's maintenance and operations, potentially impacting their flight schedules.


