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Two-year-old goes on a night-time discovery tour barefoot and wearing a diaper

The parents' shock was huge: their two-year-old son was not in bed in the morning. The little one experienced a lot on a balmy summer night - and met some nice people.

A toddler sits in front of a baby carriage in a meadow. In Sonneberg, a two-year-old wandered off...
A toddler sits in front of a baby carriage in a meadow. In Sonneberg, a two-year-old wandered off alone at night (symbolic image)

Sonneberg - Two-year-old goes on a night-time discovery tour barefoot and wearing a diaper

A two-year-old from Sonneberg went on a nighttime discovery tour - without parents, barefoot, and only wearing a diaper. The agile Little One sneaked out of the apartment around 2 AM on a Saturday night and went for a stroll in the city park - he probably crossed a street during this time, a police spokesperson said on Sunday. In the park, the almost naked toddler was discovered by a 23-year-old woman, who took him in.

The young woman approached passersby, who provided clothing for the child. Then she handed the runaway to the police, who were looking for the parents - unsuccessfully at first.

The Little One, who was doing well due to the summer temperatures, made himself comfortable at the police station at first. The further care, with a "suitable sleeping place," was eventually taken over by the Youth Welfare Office.

Sonneberg: The apartment door was no obstacle

In the morning, the parents must have had a big shock – the crib was empty. The concerned mother wanted to file a missing person report at 7:30 AM, according to the police report. After the situation had been clarified, the two-year-old night wanderer was returned to his parents.

During his outing, the child had opened the closed apartment door, which apparently was not locked. This had changed later, the officer said. When the police returned for an organizational matter, the door had been locked several times. The lent clothing could now be picked up at the station by the owners.

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  1. The discovery tour took place in Thuringia, specifically in Sonneberg, where the toddler managed to open an unlocked apartment door and embark on his adventure.
  2. On the day of the incident, a woman in her late twenties living in Sonneberg came across the child in the city park during her Sunday stroll and offered him her help.
  3. The police in Thuringia, stationed in Sonneberg, continued their search for the child's parents on Sunday, but they were unable to locate them until later when the situation had been resolved.

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