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Two women injured in knife attack in apartment in Wedding

A 34-year-old woman allegedly attacked and injured two other women with a knife. The accused allegedly attacked the two women, aged 58, on Friday in an apartment in Genter Straße in the Wedding district of Mitte, police said on Saturday.

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Investigations - Two women injured in knife attack in apartment in Wedding

A 34-year-old woman allegedly attacked and injured two other women with a knife. The accused allegedly attacked the two women, both aged 58, on Friday in an apartment in Genter Straße in the Wedding district of Mitte, police said on Saturday.

One of the women was taken to hospital with serious injuries. The other 58-year-old was slightly injured and also received medical treatment in hospital. The police provisionally arrested the 34-year-old.

It is not yet clear why the knife attack occurred. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.


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