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Two women and a dog rescued from a stream

During a walk, a dog ends up in a stream. It cannot get back to the bank on its own due to the strong current. Two women's rescue attempt fails.

Two women and a dog were rescued from a stream in Offenbach.
Two women and a dog were rescued from a stream in Offenbach.

- Two women and a dog rescued from a stream

Emergency services rescued a woman and a dog from a creek in Offenbach. A second woman was pulled out of the water by a passerby, the fire department reported. Due to heavy rain, the creek's current was stronger and the water level higher than usual.

The dog had entered the creek during a walk and couldn't get back to land. One of the women then went into the water. She too couldn't get back to land, so her companion followed.

Since neither woman could get out of the creek, they alerted emergency services. Before they arrived, a passerby pulled one of the women to safety. Emergency services then rescued the second woman and the dog. According to a police spokeswoman, one of the women was taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

The women's dire situation necessitated an immediate response, so they called for emergency services. Upon arriving, the emergency teams successfully rescued both the women and the dog, considering the stronger current and higher water level due to the heavy rain.

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