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Two truck drivers killed in collision - B259 released

Two unloaded trucks collide on a federal highway near Cochem. The tractors catch fire immediately - both drivers are killed.

Two drivers have died in the burnt-out truck.
Two drivers have died in the burnt-out truck.

- Two truck drivers killed in collision - B259 released

Following a severe truck accident with two fatalities, the federal road B259 has been reopened after hours of closure. A tractor-trailer had veered onto the opposite lane around 10:00 AM on Thursday between Buchel and Faid (Cochem-Zell district), where it collided head-on with another truck, as reported by police.

The fuel tanks immediately caught fire, killing both drivers. Consequently, the B259 between Faid and the L16 entrance (Gevenich) was closed until 1:30 AM on Friday. The Koblenz public prosecutor's office has commissioned an expert to reconstruct the accident.

The drivers unfortunately lost their lives due to the fierce fire following the head-on collision, an accident on the B259. After extensive efforts and safety checks, the authorities deemed it safe to reopen the B259 following the tragic incident.

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