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Two swimming pools in Berlin trial a help app for emergencies during summer.

Pressing a button triggers the arrival of security personnel in a matter of minutes: beginning June 3, the Neukölln and Pankow summer pools will experiment with an app that serves this purpose, announced by Berliner Bäder-Betriebe (BBB) on Friday. The objective behind the app is to respond more...

Security staff walk along the edge of the sports pool in the Kreuzberg summer pool.
Security staff walk along the edge of the sports pool in the Kreuzberg summer pool.

Time for relaxation - Two swimming pools in Berlin trial a help app for emergencies during summer.

Companies are collaborating with a tech startup behind the app "SafeNow," aimed at helping people request assistance from security forces, friends, or family with just one button press. Third-party users can also press the button for help. Prior to using the app, it needs to be downloaded onto a smartphone. The app is currently being tested in two outdoor pools, making it nationally available for the first time in an outdoor environment.

This distress call app is part of the security measures implemented by Berlin bath companies this season. The impetus for these measures comes from the frequent incidents and arguments that occurred in outdoor pools, particularly in Neukölln, Pankow, and Schöneberg, last summer.

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