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Two representatives from MV will be part of the European Parliament in the coming days.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will have two representatives in the EU Parliament. Sabrina Repp from Rostock will continue to serve as an MP for the SPD, while Jan-Peter Warnke, a medical doctor, has been elected through the Wagenknecht party BSW list. At a press conference in Schwerin, state election...

A person places their ballot paper in a ballot box labeled "Urne EU-Wahl".
A person places their ballot paper in a ballot box labeled "Urne EU-Wahl".

Upcoming European voting events - Two representatives from MV will be part of the European Parliament in the coming days.

Bode was delighted with the large participation in the European and municipal elections, with an impressive 65.7% and 64.4% turnout respectively. "This is fantastic," he remarked, "and it shows that things are looking up."

Read also:

  1. In the upcoming European election, two representatives from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MV) will join the EU Parliament, mirroring the high turnout rates during the municipal elections in the region.
  2. Christian Boden, a member of the SPD, is one of the two candidates from Saxony who was elected to represent the district in the European Parliament this term.
  3. During his time in Brussels, Boden has consistently advocated for the interests of Municipalities within the EU Parliament, emphasizing their importance in shaping regional development.
  4. As the EU Parliament convenes for a new term, representatives from various European countries, including Saxony and Usedom, have begun their journey to Brussels to participate in the legislative process.
  5. Despite competing in local elections, prominent politicians such as Arbeitsminister Bode recognize the significance of European elections, as these representatives contribute to shaping the course of EU-wide policies.
  6. As a testament to the growing European integration, parliamentarians from different regions, including those in Saxony and Schwerin, are expected to collaborate and cooperate in the EU Parliament, working towards a common goal.

