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Two million visitors at Frankfurt Christmas market

The Frankfurt Christmas Market ends this Thursday with good visitor numbers. As Tourismus+Congress GmbH reported on Wednesday, around two million people attended the 25 days of events.

Visitors to a Christmas market stand at a stall selling sweets.
Visitors to a Christmas market stand at a stall selling sweets.

Customs - Two million visitors at Frankfurt Christmas market

The Frankfurt Christmas Market ends this Thursday with good visitor numbers. As Tourismus+Congress GmbH reported on Wednesday, around two million people attended the 25 days of events.

"The number of visitors did not quite reach the level of 2022 (2.2 million), but there were still more guests per day on average compared to the previous year," the organizers said. This was due to the fact that the Advent season was particularly short in 2023: the market was open for 31 days in 2022 and only 25 days in 2023. The wintry weather was also good for the market operators. The Christmas market therefore "ended as a success".

The feedback from security staff was positive. "In general, there was a peaceful atmosphere", said the organizer. The Frankfurt Christmas market is "a place of social cohesion and stands for peaceful coexistence", said Lord Mayor Mike Josef (SPD). One of the attractions was the "Sonny" Christmas spruce, named after a deceased prominent Eintracht fan, which was illuminated with 20,000 LED lights.

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