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Two men injured by a flash fire

Two men actually just wanted to switch on an electricity generator. Suddenly there was a large flash fire in the cellar. The police believe the cause to be the recent flooding.

An ambulance on a mission.
An ambulance on a mission.

Kötz - Two men injured by a flash fire

At turning on an emergency power generator in Kötz (Landkreis Günzburg), there was a spark - two men were injured. A 64-year-old and a 37-year-old were taken to the hospital with burn injuries, the police announced on Friday.

During the floods in June, heating oil had leaked into the cellar of the house. The investigators believe. Over time, gases had formed in the cellar room from the heating oil. When the two men then turned on the emergency power generator on Thursday afternoon, the gases ignited suddenly in the air and there was a spark. The two were able to leave the hospital after a short time.

Police statement

In the aftermath of the floods in SWABIA's District of Günzburg, specifically in Kötz, a 64-year-old and a 37-year-old man were injured during an emergency power generator incident. This incident took place in their house, where heating oil had leaked into the cellar during the floods. The police in Bavaria issued a statement revealing that the men were taken to the hospital due to burn injuries. The source of the spark was the emergency power generator, which ignited gases formed from the heating oil in the cellar.

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