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Two men critically injured - also by gunshot

Two men have been critically injured in an argument in Mannheim - one of them by a gunshot. According to the public prosecutor's office and police on Tuesday, a 32-year-old and a 28-year-old are said to have had an argument on Friday. The older man is said to have pulled out a knife and stabbed...

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Mannheim - Two men critically injured - also by gunshot

Two men have been critically injured in an argument in Mannheim - one of them by a gunshot. According to the public prosecutor's office and police on Tuesday, a 32-year-old and a 28-year-old are said to have had an argument on Friday. The older man is said to have pulled out a knife and stabbed his friend several times in the upper body. A shot is also said to have been fired, seriously injuring the 32-year-old. It is still unclear where the firearm came from and who fired it.

The 32-year-old and two as yet unknown witnesses are said to have fled together in the direction of the main station. From there, the 32-year-old called the emergency services himself and reported that he had been shot. The two witnesses fled. The 28-year-old remained injured at the station and also called the emergency services. Both men were taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. Their lives are no longer in danger. An arrest warrant has been issued for the 32-year-old for attempted manslaughter.


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The incident occurred in the city of Mannheim, located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. The police and the public prosecutor's office are actively investigating the case, as criminality is a serious concern in society. The 32-year-old, one of the two critically injured men, is currently wanted by the authorities for attempted manslaughter.




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