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Two injured after rear-end collision on the A48

The driver of a van hits an articulated truck carrying hazardous goods. The highway has to be closed temporarily due to the accident.

Two people were injured in an accident on the A48. (symbolic image)
Two people were injured in an accident on the A48. (symbolic image)

Traffic - Two injured after rear-end collision on the A48

At a collision between a small transit van and a trailer truck carrying hazardous cargo on A48, two people were injured. The driver of the transit van, according to police statements, drove into the trailer truck near the Koblenz-North interchange, which had to brake due to traffic reasons.

During the collision, the driver of the transit van and his passenger were injured and both were taken to the hospital. A rescue helicopter was in use for the rescue. The hazardous cargo that the trailer truck had loaded did not leak, as a fire department inspection revealed.

Due to the intervention, the highway in the direction of Autobahndreieck Dernbach was closed for approximately one hour.

The incident occurred on the A48, close to the Koblenz-North interchange, where heavy traffic led the articulated truck to brake unexpectedly. Despite the efforts of the articulated truck's driver to avoid a collision, a rear-end accident ensued with the transit van. Sadly, this accident resulted in injuries for the driver and passenger of the transit van, necessitating medical attention in Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate.

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