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Two dead at pool party: verdict on January 19

The verdict in the trial following a fatal pool party in the district of Leipzig is to be announced on January 19. According to the Leipzig district court, the responsible criminal chamber has initially scheduled further dates for the appeal trial. Two men died at the party shortly before...

View of the Justitia above the entrance to a district court.
View of the Justitia above the entrance to a district court.

Leipzig - Two dead at pool party: verdict on January 19

The verdict in the trial following a fatal pool party in the district of Leipzig is to be announced on January 19. According to the Leipzig district court, the responsible criminal chamber has initially scheduled further dates for the appeal trial. Two men died at the party shortly before Christmas when dry ice was thrown into the water.

Two 45 and 47-year-old men are charged with involuntary manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. According to the indictment, they had dumped a block of dry ice into the self-built outdoor pool in Gerichshain on December 21, 2019. This caused carbon dioxide to collect above the surface of the water - two 20 and 39-year-old men fell unconscious and drowned. A third man was rescued.

Just over a year ago, the Grimma district court acquitted the defendants. According to the court, the dangers of using dry ice were not generally known. Furthermore, there were no warnings on the storage boxes, nor had the seller of the ice given any tips on how to handle it. The public prosecutor's office and the co-plaintiffs had appealed against the verdict.

At the start of the trial, the defendants expressed their deepest shock. "We are infinitely sorry", they declared through their defense lawyers. They had not been aware of the dangers of dry ice.

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